NAV Navbar


Create a payment gateway for cryptocurrencies. To bridge the gap between cryptocurrency owners, who are looking for ways to use their coins for purchasing goods and services, and merchants, that can easily utilize the benefits of blockchain to grow their businesses.



You must send an authorization header with every request (Except for Public APIs). App token will be shown after you create an app. Using the HTTP Authorization header like this:
Authorization: Token <app_token>
The tokens can be generated on the payment system's console. The merchant will need to define the application name when generating a new token. It will help the merchant can filter reports better.

Response format


Name Link (Notify if they are updated)
Live (Mainnet)
Live (Mainnet)

Error code

Error Code HTTP Status Message Note
1000 401 Missing Authorization Header
1001 401 Invalid Authorization Header
4000 400 Please check the parameters again Default
4001 400 Price amount is required
4002 400 Price currency is required
4220 422 The data is invalid Default

Status code

HTTP Status Description
200 (OK) API response success
201 (Created) Record is created
401 (Unauthorized) API credentials are not valid
404 (Not Found) Page, action not found
404 (Not Found) Record not found
400 (Bad Request) Missing params
422 (Unprocessable Entity) The value of params is invalid
500 (Internal Server Error) Something wrong in servers
429 (Too Many Requests) API request limit is exceeded

Response example:
JSON { "message": "The order is not found", "error_code": 404 }

Merchant API

Create Order

Method HTTP request Description
URLs relative to https://<Server URL>/api/v1/, unless otherwise noted
post POST /orders Create Order


Parameter name Value Description
price_amount Or invoice_price_amount double The price set by the merchant. Example: 1050.99
price_currency Or invoice_price_currency string Currency code which defines the currency in which you wish to price your merchandise. Eg, USD, JPY (It also can be BTC, ADA)
Optional query parameters
order_id string Merchant's custom order ID
title string Max 150 characters. Order title
description string More details about this order. Max 500 characters
callback_url string Send an automated message to Merchant URL when order status is changed or the number of confirmation is enough. The data is the same order/invoice response.
success_url string Redirect to Merchant URL after successful payment
cancel_url string Redirect to Merchant URL when buyer cancels the order
pay_currency string Cryptocurrency code which will be paid. Eg, BTC, ADA. If you want the user to process payment on your system, please send this param

If successful, this method returns a response body with the following structure

    "id": 53,
    "status": "unconfirmed",
    "invoice_price_currency": "USD",
    "invoice_price_amount": 0.5,
    "wallet_address": "367f4YWz1VCFaqBqwbTrzwi2b1h2U3w1AF",
    "invoice_created_at": "2018-11-15T05:49:36.553+07:00",
    "order_id": "ORDER-1539318129916178-4",
    "token": "DkNB5m5a7VZySCWr2jZfEw",
    "payment_url": "https://.../invoices/f7eb404c-...-be1fd9bbc464",
    "title": "Order 4",
    "description": "1 × Espresso Con Panna",
    "pay_amount": 16.26,
    "pay_currency": "ADA",
    "wallet_address": "Ae2tdPwUPEZ9Z3...UHZdqHMXUvHMp5i5SE5D2YxkB",
    "qr_code_url": "https://paym...ices/qr_code/Ae5D2xkB",
    "invoice_confirmed_at": null,
    "invoice_received_amount": 0,
Response data Value Description
payment_url String URL The URL to payment when using ACT-Payment screen UI
wallet_address String URL The wallet address which will be received payment amount.
qr_code_url String URL The QR code URL of wallet address
status string Status of order (invoice)
pay_amount double The cryptocurrency amount which the buyer needs to pay
invoice_created_at DateTime The time when the order (invoice) was created
token string The token is used when need to verify the payment again. Maybe the merchants’ systems don’t need to store it.

Create Order Status

"title":"Order 4", 
"description":"1 × Espresso Con Panna", 
"invoice_confirmed_at": "2018-11-15T05:55:36.553+07:00", 
Method HTTP Request Description
URIs relative to https://<Server URL>/api/v1/, unless otherwise noted
get GET /orders/:id Get Order detail


Parameter name Value Description
Required parameters
id integer Order ID

If successful, this method returns a response body with the following structure

Response data Value Description
nvoice_confirmed_at DateTime The time when the blockchain network confirmed the transaction (Normally 6 blocks for a Bitcoin transaction)
invoice_received_amount Double The real amount which the system
was received for this order (invoice).

Reporting API

List the orders

"data": [, 
"title":"Order #6", 
"description":"1 × 1 × Brewed Coffee", 
{ "id":5, 
"title":"Order #5", 
"description":"1 × Caramel Macchiato", 
Method HTTP request Description
URIs relative to https://<Server URL>/api/v1/, unless otherwise noted
get GET /report/orders Report for orders


Parameter name Value Description
Optional query parameters
date_range string See Date range value
from date Start date range with format YYYY-MM-DD. It can’t be greater today.
to date End date range with format YYYY-MM-DD. It must be greater from value and can’t be greater today.
price_currency string Filter orders which use price_currency
pay_currency string Cryptocurrency code: BTC or ADA. Filter orders which were paid with pay_currency
status string Filter orders with status.
amount double Filter orders which amount
keyword string Search title and description or wallet address
= The content of a string or boolean is equal to the other or a value is equal to another.
< A value is less than another
<= A value is less than or equal to another.
> A value is later than another.
>= A value is later than or equal to another.
and Return items that match both clauses.
or Return items that match either clause.

Date range value

Value Description
TODAY Today only
YESTERDAY Yesterday only.
LAST_7_DAYS The last 7 days not including today.
THIS_MONTH All days in the current month.
LAST_MONTH All days in the previous month.
ALL_TIME The entire available time range.
CUSTOM_DATE A custom date range. Use with parameters from and to
LAST_14_DAYS The last 14 days not including today.
LAST_30_DAYS The last 30 days not including today.


If successful, this method returns a response body with the result

Public API

Current exchange rates for Merchants. This endpoint is public, authentication is not required

List the supported coins

Method HTTP request Description
URIs relative to https:///api/v1/, unless otherwise noted
get GET /listings Displays all supported coins

If successful, this method returns a response body with the result


Get Exchange Rate

Method HTTP request Description
URIs relative to https:///api/v1/, unless otherwise noted
get GET /rates/:from/:to Get an exchange rate


Parameter name Value Description
Required parameters
from string ISO Symbol. Example: JPY, USD
to string ISO Symbol. Example: BTC, ADA
Option parameters
source string The source to get the exchange rate data. Default: Cryptocompare


If successful, this method returns a response body with the result


Real-Time Notifications


Data post callback

If successful, the system will post to callback URL with data

Name Description
id The invoice ID on the payment system
order_id The invoice ID on the merchant system
token The invoice token. It helps to avoid invalid data
status The new status of the invoice
invoice_received_amount The received amount